And as AI is all around us, it is more and more important to make sure we understand some of the basic principles of AI. It does not matter whether we are testers, Java or UI developers, DevOps people, close-to-client sales representatives or business analysts. There is nowhere to run and hide from AI. And on the other hand – there is no reason to either! The truth is the general aspects of AI are not so difficult to follow. One does not need a Ph.D. to understand the basics. What is more, one does not even need to have a proper technical background to learn how basic neural networks or genetic algorithms work. This is because AI is much more common in the real world than we think and we already know more about it than we imagine...

Please let me introduce my book entitled “Cunning Machines: Your Pocket Guide to the World of Artificial Intelligence” which provides an accessible and easy to understand guide to AI for both technical and non-technical readers. “If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough” is the famous Einstein’s quote which inspired every single paragraph in this book.

Cunning Machines - book cover

The book is available in pre-sale on Amazon and some other booksellers like Waterstones. You can find hardcover, paperback or e-book option depending on what you prefer: "Cunning Machines" on Amazon

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