Nowadays, various parts of the systems we develop are being described ‘as code’. Let’s learn how to design and implement in the same paradigm the process of developing the apps: the delivery pipeline!

We want to deliver software quickly and in a stable way, thus approaches like Continuous Delivery become more and more popular. A crucial part in this plays the delivery pipeline – the process that describes how we build, release and test our application. Nowadays, almost all parts of the systems we build are defined as code, including the underlying infrastructure and its configuration. The same can be done for our delivery pipelines – we can describe what happens from the moment the developers push their work to the repository, to making it available for our users on production. This way, we end up with a direct and concrete implementation of our process, which in return, like a regular software, can be tested – an activity testers are familiar with. During the workshop, we will take an example application and design and implement all stages of its delivery pipeline using tools like Docker, Jenkins and Jenkins Pipelines… and real pipes! The exercises will help you understand the whole process of delivery from a more technical point of view and in the end give you more insight in the way you do the same within your project/team. Basic knowledge about Docker is recommended.

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